Glendoe Employee Information


Thank you for agreeing to take part in this season’s shoot at Glendoe. Please read through the following Health & Safety guidelines and sign below.

DOGS | Dogs must be trained and brought at the owner’s risk. Please make sure they are not a trip hazard in the beater vehicles.

LOCAL HAZARDS | Please take extra care on uneven and steep surfaces and especially when confronted with steep slope, wire fences and tall bracken.

PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY | Please be aware of the proximity of public footpaths in the area, if you see anyone out walking that could pose a risk, please notify a person with a radio who will contact the Gamekeeper and Host

WEATHER | Please be prepared for all weathers and wear appropriate clothing and footwear.

TRANSPORT SAFETY | Please be aware when stepping in and out the beaters vehicle, especially in wet weather.

FIRST AID | First Aid Kit’s are located in the beaters vehicle and in the bothy shed. A defibrillator is located outside the Keepers shed.

VEHICLES | Vehicles and contents are left solely at the owner's risk, please remember to park safely off the road and with respect to other road users.

TOILET FACILITIES | A toilet is provided in the bothy shed, please leave it as you would expect to find it.

EMERGENCY NUMBERS & CONTACTS | There is a list of emergency numbers located in the beaters lunch hut.

FIRE EXTINGUISHERS | Fire Extinguishers are located near the main doors of the beaters lunch hut, and inside the bothy shed.